Robert Goes
The Founder
It is no secret that the healthcare industry is changing rapidly. Evidence Based Design, infection diseases, changing codes, economic challenges, Baby-boomer volumes, diverse senior housing needs, new diagnostic procedures and technological advances are a few of the trends that require constant education. Bob finds this market niche challenging, and because of the continuously changing landscape, the most creatively fascinating.
Bob subscribes to the adage “Form follows Function”. With the caveat that “Function then follows Form”. Yes, the client has program needs and functional requirements and the form must respond to those program definitions or the architect hasn’t done his job. But, a process that is occurring within a particular space can be enhanced, made more efficient, or positively influenced by the arrangement and character of the space. He is not just satisfied with meeting the program, but improving it.
Over his 30+ year career, Bob’s architectural interest has evolved from the basic production of construction documents and construction practices, to understanding the engineering aspects of a project, to the forms the spaces take. Most recently, he has become a student of how interior design, finish selection and lighting choices impact the overall characteristics of the final built environment and human experience.